Week 8 reminders and Easter craft

This afternoon Room 12 and 13 got together to create some Easter baskets. It was great to see the communication and team work skills between big and little buddies.


Thank you to those families that have donated some items for enterprise day and our renovation of the outdoor space. We still need more! We will also be collecting bottle tops to create some pieces of art, like the one we saw at Clapham Primary School.


The more colours the better. Any size is fine!

Animals in our leaf litter

Last Thursday Room 11 and 12 went searching for living creatures in the Grange Garden.


We collected some leaf little in plastic bags and drew what we found in our inquiry books. We also used our branching key to try and classify anything we found.




Room 12 Parent Reps

Thank you to Sheri (Alana Ashley’s Mum) and Sonya and Cliff (Deakin’s Mum and Dad) for putting their hands up to be our class parent reps!

I am sure they will be organizing some exciting things in the future.

Watch this space for any updates!

Fluency goals and learning styles

Today each child received their Fluency book. Each child has their own checklist of fluency skills they need to work on throughout 2016 in both Literacy and Numeracy. The fluency skills are based on the achievement standard for Year 3 from the Australian Curriculum.

As we discussed some of the tasks, some students had their “light bulb moment”, realising their mistakes and knowing how they need to prove they are fluent in this area.

We then discussed and brainstormed how are we going to learn these skills and looked at the different ways we learn.

Each group was assigned a different learning style and brainstormed some activities that people could do to learn their fluency skill.


As part of their home learning grid, each student has chosen a fluency goal to work on. During our fluency sessions each week, students will have a conference time with me and be tested on their goals. Some will be easier than others and some will be on going through out the year (such as writing in linked script). It is about the students setting manageable goals and being held accountable for their own learning.

Camp Notes

Thank to you all who have returned their notes and paid for camp.

Please let me know if you need another set of notes, or alternatively you can pop into the front office and see Megan for a copy.
All notes and money are due by Week 10 Friday 8th April .

Only 29 more sleeps till we go!

What do we see through the window?

As part of our inquiry Rooms 11 and 12 created a collage depicting what they could see out of the lower Mortlock Windows. We discussed the small, unused space and how it is a little unloved. We started by sketching what we saw through the windows.




We then used man made and natural materials to create our collages.




We are now in the process of creating a collage of what we would like the space to look like. We are hoping to give it some TLC to create a calming garden environment for Room 11 and 12 to look after. Stay tuned for more details!

Check out our first pieces of art in the Lower Mortlock Corridor!

A HUGE skip counting challenge!

On Monday I challenged the students counting abilities!

On each table I dumped a large amount of counters or uni fix cubes. They then, as a group, had to estimate how many were there without touching. I then asked one student from each group to grab a handful and count home many were there.

Most students counted by touching each thing as they counted in 1s (1,2,3,4,5 etc.)

We discovered that if we had to count the whole amount by 1s it would take a long time.


We then had the suggestion that maybe we could group them into 2s and count that way.


We discovered that the pile now looked smaller than when we started because they were not all bunched on top of one another.

We then started to count and realise there still could be a quicker way, 10s!




We then checked our first estimation and discovered some were pretty close and some were way off.
It was great to see the team work, active thinking and communicating happening during the lesson too, especially when having to count the group of counters and add all the amounts together.